On the Farm
Animal Health and Welfare
A high standard of animal health and welfare not only benefits the cows; it also protects the health of humans and the environment.
Diseased animals take longer to develop, produce less milk and require more veterinary treatment, whereas healthy animals develop quickly and stay in the herd for longer. A healthy herd is more efficient, requiring fewer inputs and a smaller number of replacement heifers.
Improvements to animal health and welfare reduce costs, emissions, pollution and resource use: a win/win for the industry and the environment.
Useful External Resources
World Health Organisation: One Health
One Health’ is an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and the environment. WHO gives a global overview on their website:
NOAH: The contribution animal health makes to One Health and sustainability
NOAH, the trade association representing the UK animal health industry, produce several resources assessing the financial and environmental cost of animal disease, alongside advice on disease prevention and the responsible use of animal medicines:
BVA: UK sustainable animal agriculture
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) have prepared a UK sustainable animal agriculture policy statement: