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The Roadmap works by setting targets for both dairy farmers and processors, helping them to achieve those targets and reporting back on progress. Historically, targets have been set at five-yearly intervals. New targets are designed towards the following end goals:


No serious pollution incidents, compliance with Farming Rules for Water, sustainable water usage and best treatment/use of wastewater including reuse where possible.

Climate Change and Energy

Limit global warming to 1.5oC. Zero contribution from the dairy sector towards global warming by 2050.

Waste & Recycling

All non-natural waste to be reused or recycled, with zero waste to landfill.


Farmers know and actively manage their soils, resulting in increased soil organic matter content, good NPK balance and living roots and ground cover whenever possible.


Improved biodiversity on dairy farms.

Air Quality

Minimise emissions, dust and secondary particulates resulting from agricultural and processing activities to reduce wider environmental and human health impacts.


Eliminate unnecessary single use plastic, maximise recycled content, and improve recyclability, while minimising carbon impact.

Further reading


See our next targets for sustainable dairy farming


Read about The Dairy Roadmap